We take Bing ads seriously.

Bing Accounts for 36% of the US desktop search market

We love growing businesses to profitable new heights with the power of Bing PPC, which is a highly undervalued channel.


Profit first, always

We help deliver an incredibly profitable bing advertising account by leveraging their inherently cheaper costs.

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Competitor analysis

We always start by analyzing your industry to learn how we can dominate your competitor's with Bing ads.

presentation chart

Elite conversion tracking

We setup micro and macro conversion tracking to get scientific insights on performance, so that we can take your Bing ads to the next level.


Continuous experiments

With Bing's huge desktop audience, we continuously experiment different campaigns to find customers at a lower price.

traffic increase

Doug Haines

You need to get your paid channel working. The results with PPC.io have been amazing and the demand has outstripped what we can deliver.

traffic increase

David Dinsmore

They've helped us consult on PPC efficiency for some of our billion-dollar clients. Next-level strategies.

traffic increase

Kathryn Wiley

Helped scale my travel business to heights I never thought possible. I almost can't handle the number of new leads we're getting.

Ariene McCoy
traffic increase

Arlene McCoy

Helped us massively scale our eCommerce store. Nothing but glowing praise for them - Highly recommended.

The Bing PPC Agency That Drives Insane Growth


Conversion Focused

Scale your revenue


80/20 Principle

Focus on what's effective


Maximum ROI

Bang for your buck


Data Driven

Outclass the competition

Stewart Dunlop
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Our Process for Microsoft Ads

Unlock revenue growth you didn't even know existed with the World's second largest search engine - Bing.



We'll dive deep into your industry, uncovering lucrative keywords that people simply aren't competing on within the Bing platform. We'll also carefully analyze any competitors who are active on Bing to ensure we're not missing a trick.

rocket launch


Once we're happy that we've built out some strong Bing ad campaigns, we'll launch them in order to get fast feedback and a clear understanding of profitability.

money bag

Test & Scale

We launch Bing ad campaigns aggressively, continuously analyzing performance and launching experiments quickly. The beautiful thing about Bing is it's such a profitable platform, and that's why we love it. Our team has a relentless drive to help scale your business. That mindset is exactly why we're trusted by ambitious brands Worldwide.


The Bing & Microsoft Ads Services We Offer

We offer a comprehensive service that encompasses the entire microsoft advertising ecosystem, including Bing.

See All Services
  • Bing PPC Campaign Management
  • Microsoft Ads Setup
  • Bing Conversion Tracking Setup
  • Google to Bing Ads Campaign Import
  • Bing Call Tracking Integration
  • Remarketing Strategy on Bing
  • Custom Bidding Strategies for Microsoft Ads
  • Keyword Research & Optimization for Bing
  • New Keyword Discoveries for Bing
  • Retargeting Campaign Optimization on Bing
  • A/B Testing for Bing Ad Copies
  • Custom Reporting for Bing Campaigns
  • Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs) for Bing
  • Creative Testing for Microsoft Ads
  • Geotargeting for Bing Campaigns
  • Bing Display Network Exploration
  • Innovative Ad Creatives for Bing
  • Conversion Quality Enhancement on Bing
  • Bing Shopping Campaign Management
  • Negative Keyword Strategy for Bing
  • Sales Performance Analysis for Bing Ads
  • Ad Extension Strategy for Bing
  • AI Optimization for Bing Campaigns
  • Quality Score Improvement on Bing
  • Bing Competitor Analysis
  • Video Advertising on Bing
  • Audience Targeting Refinement on Bing
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Our PPC Marketing Packages & Costs


Monthly Fee

  • Comprehensive PPC Management Services
  • Google Ads Platform
  • Advanced Keyword Research
  • Competitor Reconnaissance
  • Conversion Tracking Mastery
  • Bidding Strategy
  • Exhaustive A/B Testing
  • Ad Copywriting
  • Account Structure Optimization
  • Campaign Structure Optimization
  • Negative Keyword Management
  • Business KPI Alignment
  • All Social Platforms - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, TikTok, etc.
  • Unlimited Creative Ad Design
  • Unlimited Landing Page Design
Most Popular


Monthly Fee

  • Comprehensive PPC Management Services
  • Google Ads Platform
  • Advanced Keyword Research
  • Competitor Reconnaissance
  • Conversion Tracking Mastery
  • Bidding Strategy
  • Exhaustive A/B Testing
  • Ad Copywriting
  • Account Structure Optimization
  • Campaign Structure Optimization
  • Negative Keyword Management
  • Business KPI Alignment
  • All Social Platforms - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, TikTok, etc.
  • Unlimited Ad Creative Design
  • Unlimited Landing Page Design
Stewart Dunlop
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We never charge based on ad spend %


Our only mission is to grow your business, not inflate your ads budget

Donโ€™t even think about hiring in-house


Full-time employee

$50k/year, at least.


Design costs

$2k/month, for anything decent.


Software costs

$1k/month, for the basics



Wasted ad spend, mediocre results

We Get Results

Cutting Edge Strategy

We Get Results

Additional Services

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Facebook PPC

Everything you need to know about Facebook Marketing.

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LinkedIn PPC

Everything you need to know about LinkedIn Marketing.

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Amazon PPC

Everything you need to know about Amazon Marketing.

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White Label PPC

Everything you need to know about White Label Marketing.

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Landing Page Desing

Everything you need to know our design strategies.

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Everything you need to know about our Bing PPC agency and how we operate.

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