White label google ads management

White label Google Ads is where an agency or freelancer provides Google Ads (formerly known as adwords) management to clients under its own brand name, but has a third-party agency or consultant fulfil the management work for them.

Many agencies or independent marketing consultants prefer the white label model, because it means they can outsource Google Ads to an expert who runs Google ads all day long! 

This saves them from having to resource staff internally, and they can earn all the credit from someone elses work.

Here’s an Example

A small digital marketing agency has 30 clients and they want to start running Google ads with each of them in order to generate more leads for their business.

The agency doesn’t have much expertise in-house, and they don’t want to overwhelm their current members of staff with more workload.

So they decide to outsource all of the Google ads management to a white label service.

The white label provider does all of the work and manages all of the ad accounts (whilst remaining hidden from the end client), and regularly delivers reports to the agency that they can pass on to their client. 

The clients are delighted with the results, and the agency takes all the agency along with a healthy mark-up on the work. 

It's a scalable, win win situation.

White label google ads in action

The Benefits of White Label Google Ads

If your agency focuses on a different area such as web development, social media or SEO, then opening up clients to a new channel like Google ads can be incredibly exciting.

If that client has never run Google ads before, then they’re likely going to be in for a pleasant surprise - The number of real business leads that Google ads delivers is incredible.

"Before getting into Google Ads, I focused entirely on SEO marketing.

I was absolutely amazed when I started running Google Ads for a completely new business - They literally started getting leads and new customers overnight.

If I had only focused on SEO, it would’ve taken years to start consistently attracting new customers to the business.

But the beautiful thing about Google ads is customers start coming in immediately, and clients are always impressed."

- Stewart Dunlop, founder at PPC.io. 

You may have someone in-house who has experience with Google ads before, but doing the whole process end-to-end is extremely time consuming.

A good white label agency will be able to take the strenuous workload off your hands, and because they’ve worked on hundreds of Google ads accounts before, they’ll have the exact blueprint for success that they’ve replicated over and over again.

For example, here's the blueprint we use for our B2B clients.

If you’re doing Google ads for a client and spending their marketing budget, you can’t really afford to be learning on the job.

A reputable white label provider avoids any issues, since they have true expertise.

What Should a White Label Google Ads Provider Do For You?

Google ads full account audit

It's important to know exactly what you're getting from a white label partner.

At our white label Google ads agency, we provide all of the following activities to our partners:


  • Existing Google ads account audit.
  • Detailed competitor analysis to find “winners” in that industry.
  • Full Google ads account setup and optimization.
  • Diligent full testing process before launching anything.

Campaign Monitoring & Optimization:

  • Daily review of campaign performance and KPI alignment.
  • Bid adjustments and keyword performance tracking for optimal targeting.
  • Regular ad copy updates to maintain engagement.
  • CTR optimization and continuous monitoring of landing page functionality.
  • Ongoing strategic adjustments based on data insights.
  • Regular testing of new campaigns, product lines etc.
  • Managing negative keywords & pausing weak performing campaigns.

Client Communication & Reporting:

  • Beautiful white label google ad reports that you can hand off directly to your end client.
  • Frequent status updates and prompt responses to any client inquiries.
  • Weekly performance reports with insights and strategic recommendations.
  • Regular client meetings to discuss campaign progress and adjustments.

Landing Page Management:

  • Custom landing pages designed for high conversion rates.
  • Heat mapping to optimize user experience and user flow.
  • Subdomain setup and content integration for landing pages.

Lead Quality & Tracking:

  • Conversion tracking including calls, form fills, and website purchases.
  • Integration with CRM systems for proper lead management and qualification. 
  • Click fraud protection to avoid wasted ad spend.

Technical Enhancements:

  • AI-driven insights for deeper analysis and predictive performance.
  • Regular checks on automation rules, scripts, and budget alignment.
  • Continuous quality score assessment and conversion funnel analysis.
  • Advanced micro-conversion tracking which monitors actions such as downloading an E-book or signing up to a newsletter.

Invisibility & Access Control:

  • Management of Google Ads accounts through Google's manager accounts, ensuring actions are 100% invisible to end clients.
  • Easy revocation of access to maintain client control over accounts.

Learning & Development:

  • Ongoing team training on the latest Google ads trends and techniques.
  • Client education to improve collaboration and understanding.

How To Find The Right White Label Google Ads Agency

white label agency reviews

Delegating all of your work out to a Google ads agency is a huge decision.

You need a reliable partner that you can trust, and you need to really do your due diligence before you select that partner. 

💡 Below are all of the key considerations you need to make.

Positive Reviews

You want to make sure that your white label agency has experience in related industries to your clients.

So if you’re an agency that focuses on serving home service clients for example, you really want to select a white label partner that has proven and successful case studies of running Google ads in that particular industry.

We strongly recommend checking out platforms like Clutch.co, where you can find honest reviews of various ad agencies.

Case Studies

You want to make sure that your white label agency has experience in related industries to your clients.

So if you’re an agency that focuses on serving home service clients for example, you really want to select a white label partner that has proven and successful case studies of running Google ads in that particular industry.

Strong Website

This one is often overlooked, but I think it’s possibly the most important point.

If someone has a beautiful, high performing website that’s well designed and presented, that says a lot about the care and attention they take to business.

On the flipside, if someone has a very basic or poorly designed and outdated website, that suggests that perhaps they shouldn’t be trusted as your white label partner.

After all, marketing is all about selling. 

If your white label agency has a beautifully presented website that converts well, then that’s the first thing that would suggest they actually have the feel for what constitutes a great website. 

That should translate into success for the accounts they manage. 

Strong Reporting

White label google ads dashboard

If you have clients asking you questions about the performance of their Google ads, you need to know that your white label provider has you covered when it comes to reporting. 

They need to have a flawless reporting system set up which provides regular white-label reports along with notes on exactly what they’ve been working on to improve things.

At our agency, we use a tool called Opteo, which generates absolutely beautiful Google ads reports that can be understood by any business owner

example of white label google ads reporting

Transparency & Trust

You need to have full transparency on the work processes of your partner. 

👀 Always ask any white label ads provider for the following:

  1. a clear list of everything that’s included in your white label agreement.
  2. a very specific timeline of activities that will be completed for every new project you give them.

If they cannot provide you with those items, then look for a different provider.

Sensible Pricing

If you’re hiring a white label service provider, they need to be charging a sensible price that you can mark up to your own client.

It would make absolutely no sense hiring an agency that charges extortionate fees if your company can’t earn a profit on the work.

Most white label agencies will apply discounts to account for the fact that they don’t have to personally manage every client relationship.

Generally speaking, you want to make sure you have a bare minimum of 30% profit margin to apply on top of the cost that your white label provider is charging. 

Ideally, this would be a 50% profit margin.

Our favorite setup is a monthly package, because this means you know exactly what you’re paying for every month.

If you try other methods like hourly rates, you run the risk of going over budget and not making any profit on the project. 

Being Profitable With White Label Google Ads

So even at $2,000 per month, you’re going to want to allocate at least $500 per month of that budget towards management.

Let’s say you pay your white label agency $250 per month - That only leaves you with $250 profit left over.

The great thing with Google ads is that as your clients begin to see success, they’ll want to increase their budgets.

If your clients reach $10,000 in monthly Google ad spend, then you’ll be able to charge between $1500-2,000 per month for management services.

This leaves you much more room for a healthy profit margin, even after you’ve paid your external white label service provider. 

Rule of Thumb

We strongly recommend only pushing a client toward Google ads if they have a platform budget in excess of $2,000 per month.

The reason being is that you’ll have to charge for the white label partners time, and your own time.

So even at $2,000 per month, you’re going to want to allocate at least $500 per month of that budget towards management.

Let’s say you pay your white label agency $250 per month - That only leaves you with $250 profit left over.

The great thing with Google ads is that as your clients begin to see success, they’ll want to increase their budgets.

If your clients reach $10,000 in monthly Google ad spend, then you’ll be able to charge between $1500-2,000 per month for management services.

This leaves you much more room for a healthy profit margin, even after you’ve paid your external white label service provider. 

Reliability & Scalability

Absolutely any agency owner out there knows that reliability and scalability are paramount when it comes to running marketing for clients.

If you have an unreliable member of staff who’s underperforming or off sick, you still need to deliver results to your end client! 

White label services can alleviate this problem because the good ones will typically have a large team of people whose only job is to run Google ads, all day long.

3 White Label Google Ads Providers to Check Out

Below are a few tried & tested vendors for white label services that we would recommend. 


white label google ads ppc

We offer white label Google ad services to all types of agencies, from web developers to social media experts.

Our service gives you access to:

  • Detailed audit & Google ads plan for each one of your clients. 
  • Expert team of ad specialists, copywriters & designers with a results-oriented mindset.
  • Dedicated manager with 24/7 access. 
  • Beautiful custom white-label reports.
  • The determination to scale your clients business growth.

We also offer a 30 day free trial for all new white label partners, so that you can see exactly what we do before you commit long-term. 

Contact us here

Invisible PPC

invisible ppc

This company has been around for a while, and offers the following: 

  • Dedicated account managers.
  • Skilled oversight team.
  • Landing pages.
  • Performance reports.



Another very reliable vendor for Google ads is Solutions8, and they do offer white label management.

Some key points from their service:

  • Building & launching Google ads accounts.
  • Regular campaign optimization. 
  • Software to support the process end to end. 

Wrapping Up

Outsourcing your Google ads management to a white label provider is a great idea to help scale your business, but you do need to make sure you select the right partner that will help grow with your and establish a partnership that will last for years to come.

Stewart Dunlop
